All of the films in this screening explore the turmoil of female adolescence, as it is experienced across a range of cultural traditions. These stories strike right at the heart of what it means to exist on the precipice between girlhood and womanhood – and all the pressures, both interior and exterior, that it entails.
There will be a Q&A with the filmmakers in this event.
I Think I’m Going to Die (Singapore) - Nominated for Animation and Casarotto Ramsay Directing (Ning Xuan Tan).
Fifteen (UK) - Nominated for Costume Design (Zain Gibson).
Midnight on MSN (France) - Nominated for Production Design (Camille Pezet Amirat) and United Agents Performance (Eurydice Correia).
Silent Cycle (India) - Nominated for Seven.One Studios Fiction (Smahi Anand) and United Agents Performance (Akshara Padwal).
Content notices: Sexism and/or misogyny, Homophobia, Blood